alibaba wholesale jewelry How much is the 3500 diamond ring recycling?

alibaba wholesale jewelry

2 thoughts on “alibaba wholesale jewelry How much is the 3500 diamond ring recycling?”

  1. china jewelry import wholesale Diamond ring recycling depends on the quality of diamonds. It's not generalized.
    The price of the recovery of the general diamond ring contains two parts, one is the price of the ring, and part of the value of the diamond. The precepts are 18K gold and platinum. The recycling price of the precepts is based on the price of the precious metal, and the weight is called for weight.
    The value of the diamond part is generally more complicated. The recycling price of diamonds mainly depends on the quality of diamonds. The important measure of diamond quality is the 4C index of the diamond, which specifically refers to the size of the diamond, cutting, clarity, and the color of diamonds. The higher the value of the diamond recycling, the higher the value. Diamonds below 30 points are generally considered to have no recycling value. In addition, diamond certificates will have a certain impact on the price.

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