5 thoughts on “What are the cutting methods of diamonds? Which cutting method do you like best?”

  1. Diamond cutting is a process of turning unprocessed diamonds into beautiful gemstones. This process must be carried out by professionals with professional knowledge, equipment and tools, because every decision made will affect the profit results. I prefer mechanical cutting.
    So, what factors do the cutter mainly consider when planning cutting diamonds? The first choice made is to determine the shape itself; round, oval, pear -shaped, etc. Secondly, the proportion and cutting quality of the face (ie, symmetry and polishing) are planned through computer simulation. In this article, when I will show you when the seemingly ordinary rough turns into bright and shiny gems, what happens behind the scenes.
    Because diamonds are made of the hardest materials in the world, only one diamond can be used to mechanically cut another diamond. Laser is another choice, but their purpose is largely limited to the purpose of cutting and broken. Usually, the tools used in the workshop include diamond blade or discs with diamonds inlaid with diamond powder. The actual processes of diamond cutting and polishing can be divided into five steps: planning, splitting, rough grinding, polishing and inspection.
    stage 1: Plan diamond rough. It is one of the most important things to plan a rough stone. Although this may be a time -consuming process, this is also a step that determines the final value of the finished product. During the planning stage, the cutter will find the best possible shape of diamonds to maximize waste and maximize the output of rough stones. Under normal circumstances, the rough stones are mapping with a sandworm to generate accurate measurement values. With these data and then use computer software to formulate 3D models, the model will show the best way to optimize the rough to the knife.
    stage 2: cut diamond rough. The copper round plate with diamond powder is sawn and the rough diamonds are sawed. The cutting process is the part of the rough stone into an independent fragmentation. This will allow the grinders to handle fragments separately and make full use of rough stones. Mechanical sawing can also be performed at this stage. For rough stones with peculiar shapes, the cutting process can also be performed using non -contact cutting tools (such as laser).
    The stage 3: The mechanical is rough to "bypasses" rough, and the mechanical grinds to form the contour of polishing diamonds. After cutting the diamond, then roughly grind to turn the separated rough. This process is also called ring cut. Two diamonds occurred here were placed on a rotating shaft, crossing each other. Then they rotate in the opposite direction and grind each other to form a rough waist.
    stage 4: polishing diamonds. The face -to -face process of the blank diamond, the rough diamond on the polishing wheel. After the round formation of the rough stone, the next stage is to create and form diamonds. The cutter placed the rough on the rotating arm and polished the rough with a spinning vehicle. This will form a smooth and reflective aspect on the diamond.
    The interesting is that this polishing program is further divided into two steps: blocking and shining. During the block process, 8 main trunks, 8 crown parts, 1 bottom and 1 countertop were added to make single -cut gems. The importance of this step is to create templates for the next stage. Then, talented people will complete the work by adding the remaining aspects and a total of 57 aspects. He has a major responsibility, because the fire color and brightness of the diamond is determined at this stage.
    stage 5: Check the polished diamond. The last stage is the inspection process. This is where diamonds are checked to ensure that it meets the specifications prescribed by the manufacturer. If necessary, if the stone does not meet the quality control standard, it will be sent back to the polishing machine for some modifications.

  2. The cutting method of diamonds is: round cutting is also called bright cutting, princess square cutting, emerald cutting, pillow -shaped cutting/pad cutting, heart -shaped cutting, oval cutting, pear -shaped cutting, oscope cutting/horse Eye cutting, ascar cut/square cutting; my favorite is a round cutting method, that is, bright cutting, with amazing fire color quality and pleasing symmetry, round cut diamonds are absolutely calculated It is an eternal classic and will never be outdated.

  3. Diamond cutting methods include round, pear -shaped, princess square, olive -shaped, oval, heart -shaped, emerald -shaped, and Rendan -shaped. My favorite cutting method is emerald, heart -shaped, oval, princess square, round.

  4. Round, olive type, emerald, pear -shaped, pads, oval, princess square, thunder, heart shape and other methods, but the favorite is heart shape, this sensory technology is higher.

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