wholesale body jewelry new york How to deal with the collected bitcoin

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1 thought on “wholesale body jewelry new york How to deal with the collected bitcoin”

  1. wholesale to public magnetic jewelry clasps Submit to the country.
    In it is understood that the platform uses blockchain technology as a gimmick and virtual currency such as Bitcoin as the transaction medium. Under the guise of providing virtual currency value -added services, it promises to recover high rebates and attract the participation of the masses. Such virtuals are virtual. Coin fraud cases are not uncommon in the current market.
    Recently, the public security organs filed a case to investigate the "Plustoken Platform" network MLM case. Grand Dacheng MLM Organization.
    This case is the first network pyramid scheme that the public security organs detected by the virtual currency of Bitcoin as the transaction medium. Criminal suspects Chen and others have set up a "Plustoken platform" and developed related applications to engage in Internet MLM crimes.

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